
Stavrovouni Monastery is a revered Greek Orthodox monastery located atop a mountain called Stavrovouni in the District of Larnaca, Cyprus. As the name suggests, the monastery is dedicated to the Holy Cross and was established by Saint Helena and Saint Constantine in 327-329 AD. Stavrovouni Monastery is one of the oldest monasteries in the world and is the earliest documented monastery on the island of Cyprus. The Holy Cross, one of the most significant relics of Stavrovouni Monastery, was left there by Saint Helena. Legend has it that after several attempts to extract the Holy Cross from the mountain, Helena decided to leave a piece there and built a small chapel to accompany it. Other relics left at the monastery by Saint Helena include the Cross of the Good Thief, one of the Holy Nails, and a piece of the rope that bound Jesus to the Cross. Visitors to the monastery will also find two small chains that Saint Panaretos, Bishop of Paphos, wore during his life. Stavrovouni Monastery went through times of great poverty and hardship caused by numerous invasions by foreigners on the island. The Holy Cross is no longer present at the monastery, and it is unclear what has happened to it. The monastery's church, walls, iconostasis, and other structures have undergone extensive renovations in recent years to preserve their historic value. The mountain where the monastery is located was known as Olympus in earlier times, but the highest point of the Troodos Mountains further to the west now bears that name. Stavrovouni Monastery remains an important religious center and a popular tourist destination. The monastery is a beautiful example of Byzantine architecture, and its surroundings offer stunning views of the surrounding area. Stavrovouni Monastery is also one of the few places in the world where visitors can see a piece of the Holy Cross. The remaining piece of the Holy Cross is kept within a large, silver, cross-shaped reliquary. Visitors can also view the two chains worn by Saint Panaretos, which are said to have been in direct contact with his body. In its long history, Stavrovouni Monastery has played an important role in the spiritual and cultural life of Cyprus. Its significance is evident from the memoirs of a Russian traveler, Abbot Daniel, who stayed on Cyprus in 1106. He recorded that the Holy Cross was located on Mount Olympus with the objective of "warding off evil spirits and curing any illness." The monastery has also been mentioned by Western visitors to Cyprus in the 13th century, such as Willibrandi de Oldenburg, who visited Stavrovouni in 1211 and noted, "The cross of the Good Thief is on the highest mountain in Cyprus." In conclusion, Stavrovouni Monastery is an important historical and religious site located in Cyprus. Its significance lies in its association with Saint Helena and Saint Constantine, who founded the monastery and left several significant relics there. Stavrovouni Monastery is an example of Byzantine architecture and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding area. The monastery's history is intertwined with that of Cyprus, and it remains an important spiritual and cultural center on the island.

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